Selamat datang di website resmi PoiPoi...
Kami menjual berbagai macam lingerie, baju fashion, aksesoris & aksesoris SM sejak Januari '09
Berbagai macam lingerie yang kami jual adalah: babydol, korset, gaun, baju clubbing, bikini, baju renang, celana dalam pria & wanita, kostum, aksesoris SM (topeng, borgol, cambuk, kamasutra kit) dsb.
Semua barang di website ini 98% READY STOCK dan diimpor dari China, Taiwan, USA.
Kami juga menjual berbagai macam fashion asia (dress, blouse, baju couple, rok, celana, dsb)
Kami berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk memberikan kualitas pelayanan
yang bermutu ketika anda berbelanja di PoiPoi.
Serta kami menjamin PRIVACY (customer ataupun Reseller) anda selama berbelanja di kami.
Lokasi kami berada di Surabaya - Indonesia dan kami tidak mempunyai toko (online saja)
Nikmati kenyamanan berbelanja di website kami.
Warm Regards,
Meme Yuuna. (OWNER)
Meme Yuuna. (OWNER)

Welcome to PoiPoi official website...
We appreciate your time no matter you are purchasing or just looking around.
We sell sexy underwear, fashion, accessories and weird stuff to many customers since January 2009.
The fashionable sexy underwear includes: babydoll or chemise, corset, bustier, gown, robes, sexy clubwear, teddies, bikinis, suspender, bra sets, g-string, boxer, Leather made of lingerie, stockings or pantyhose, sexy costumes, tops and dresses, weird stuff such as whips and mask, or even adult game.
All the items here are imported directly from China, Taiwan, USA, and United Kingdom.
We also sell japan fashion such as couple's set, dresses, blouses, bottoms (pants, skirt, etc) at the lowest price.
We imported the clothes directly from Hongkong and Taiwan.
We ensure that we give you the high-quality goods and best service while you order at us..
Please keep in mind that we sell items online..
We are located in Surabaya - INDONESIA and have no show room..
Your cooperation is warmly welcome.
Warm Regards,
Meme Yuuna.

Meme Yuuna.